Effect of COVID-19
Covid-19 significantly hindered the progress of this project in a number of profound and obvious ways
Since this projected was ultimately team oriented, we had to work as a team getting ideas from one another and refining these ideas on iterations. Certain tasks like visiting community partners as part of an ethnographic research was abruptly hindered due to the lockdown and social distancing we experienced during this pandemic. The inability of the team to meat together in a physical space caused challenges when we tried to physically build a physical prototype. This was because, certain members were naturally better and more productive at working on some tasks than others because of some experience they might have had, In as much as this should have been advantageous to the team, the team was not able to utilize this advantage due to social distancing and the lockdown.
Resources required for prototyping and testing were unavailable. The solution or prototype designed by the team required physical building and development before any testing could be done. However because we were at home, getting access to these resources which would have otherwise been readily available in school was nearly impossible or extremely challenging. This made progress difficult.
Plans to tackle challenges
Since it was now difficult to build a physical product for the users, we decide to do simulations of how the device will work.
Initially, we had planned to install the device in a pond to test it, however that plan was completely derailed. We then decided to rely mostly on user feedback to be able to test if the device met all the design requirements.
One way we improvised was to use social media platforms such as whatsApp, emails and even zoom to share information and ideas which was crucial for development and moving forward.
Timeline: Gantt Chart
We had already completed phase one in school so what was left was phase 2 and phase 3. The timeline for phase 2 and 3 can be seen below:
Criteria for working as a Team
The project is divided into three subsystems: structural, electrical and interface. So every member had to work on either one of the three subsystems. The subsystems that individuals were assigned to had to be related to the individual's major and interests.
Hannah Lormenyo - Interface subsystem
Edinam Klutse - Interface subsystem
William Akuffo - Structural subsystem
Kwasi Owusu-Nyampong - Structural subsystem
Petit Koranteng - Electrical subsystem
Oscar Uwayo- Electrical subsystem